Selected Projects

   Building API in Python Flask deploying on AWS PowerApp 2017
   Deploying new sofware for a large danish financial institution using Ansible BEC 2017
   Designed and build POC trade cache from different trade systems using Python, Kafka and Cassandra. Danske Bank 2016
   Build a ZeroMQ subscriber in Python caching last quote in Redis and made available with Flask. Danske Bank 2015
   Build MQ brokers pushing quotes (10k/s) on trading floor using Python and ZeroMQ. Danske Bank 2014
   Build monitoring systems on top of batch systems for improved risk job reports to trading floor using Django Danske Bank 2013
   Improved build and deployment of analytics software for trading floor. Build was then orchestrated by Jenkins. Danske Bank 2012
   Deployed 200 servers used for high performance computing and mangaged them using SaltStack. Danske Bank 2011-2015
   Scaled webhosting company from 20k to 800k customers under my technical lead. 2003-2010